Christmas Miracle Page 3
When spring came Nora loved to work in her gardens. Each day walking home from school Rachel would pass by the Stewarts. Though Rachel usually needed to get home to tend to her chores, she and Nora found some time to spend together—planting or weeding in Nora’s vegetable garden, pruning her prized roses, and especially learning all of the homemaking skills that Nora knew so well. Rachel picked up a few secrets about laundry too, like adding a little bluing to the whites which would make them brighter. During the year following Rachel’s mom’s passing, they grew even closer. Sister Stewart was famous for her legendary apple pies. Since being the woman of the house fell to her, Rachel was more than appreciative to learn all about harvesting the different fruits and vegetables from the orchard and garden from her elderly neighbor.
Nora would keep an eye out for Rachel on her way home from school and would often wave for her to come in for some fresh baked cinnamon rolls or whatever treat she had baked that day. These occasions offered choice opportunities for the two of them to have their heart to heart womanly talks. Nora was a good listener and Rachel felt comfortable discussing her feelings about life now that her mother had passed. There was no one else in her life that she could open up the innermost secretes of her heart. Nora always listened intently and treated Rachel’s offerings with respect. Rachel liked being treated this way and no matter what the discussion was about her spirit was boosted like a burden had been lifted and there was a feeling of renewed strength and hope to face her most dreaded fears of doubt. Nora just had a way of being more concerned with others than herself and always being happy, which somehow fused into those around her. Rachel loved this quality as it reminded her of her mother and the way she would listen. Often there was little discussion on the part of Nora, but Rachel could feel the genuine love and concern which somehow seemed to be the healing balm for her troubled heart.
Nora understood Rachel’s skepticism and discouragement with regard to religion and her mother’s passing, so she was careful not to offer more than Rachel could handle. She took things slowly, waiting for Rachel to ask questions or bring up some point of doctrine before saying much about religion. Rachel had been baptized at age eight and been given the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the older woman hoped that her young friend would eventually feel and recognize its prompting to learn more about truth.
The bond between Nora and Rachel grew even closer when Nora’s husband, Francillo, died about two weeks ago on December 10th. During the holidays both were mourning the loss of someone very important to each of them. However Nora’s testimony and Rachel’s lack of testimony caused them to deal with their losses in different ways. Nora was grateful that they had been sealed in the temple for all time. They had traveled to Salt Lake City to receive the blessings that are only offered in the Temple. She had faith they would be together again forever. Rachel had no such assurance and was still frustrated at God for having taken her mother away. Nora felt sorry for Rachel and watched for opportunities to teach her. In the meantime, in spite of the differences in their ages, Rachel loved having such a kind woman for a friend and a mentor. Nora reminded her of her mother in her positive, uncomplaining view of life. Both women could enjoy and find good every day no matter if the day presented rain or sunshine. There was always a silver lining if one knew how to find it. Rachel wanted to know this secret to being happy no matter what was going on, just as her mother had been and who was in such pain and yet was happy most all of the time.
Chapter 6
Gently rocking back and forth in the rocker Rachel was reflecting about the worries she had been wrestling with that night. Her eyes were becoming heavy and she reckoned that she had done all she could do. She walked to the bedroom door to check on Ben who was asleep in his bed and covered with thick quilts that her mother had made when she was well. She could see his head by the faint light of the radiating fire through the windowed door of the stove. She loved Ben and her heart yearned to have him not be disappointed in the morning. Even though she placed the apples under the tree she was wishing there would be more, hoping that her father would make it home in time.
While she was standing there looking at Ben, a special feeling came over her as if her mother was standing next to her. She couldn’t describe it. It made tears well up in her eyes as she felt the most sensational warm radiance filling the emptiness in her heart. She had had several instances where she could swear her mother was near but, she had never witnessed anything as strong as this feeling that filled her heart. Occasionally in the past she had felt a warmth come over her when either her mother or Nora would talk about families being forever and that they would reunite someday. But, this feeling was similar but, different. It was almost overwhelming. Rachel wished the feeling would never leave, it filled her entire being. It was as though something took all of the built-up anxiety and let it sail into the sky of forever. She was in a trans-like state for the longest time and had the clearest perception that all would be well. The fire popped with a crackle bringing her back into the focus of the moment. She had forgotten to close the door tight on the stove which had made the crackle louder. After she closed the door to the stove she stood up and reflected back, “Was that really Mom?” She wanted to believe even more. She could never accept the notion that her mother was gone forever. Somehow she wanted more than ever to believe what her mother had told her.
Rachel went to her bedroom, changed into her nightgown and slipped under her mother’s homemade quilts. She couldn’t help but realize that her mother’s influence surrounded them in every aspect of life even though she was not there, and what was that feeling she had? Was it really true about living forever together? Maybe she felt that feeling because it was Christmastime, but these feelings were starting to make Rachel’s heart swell and to hope even more for her mother’s words to be true. Until now she listened to the words and knew what they said, but the conviction had not yet taken full hold upon her heart. Rachel eased out from under the quilt and slid down onto her knees. She offered a prayer different than any of the past. She wasn’t just going through the motions of praying. She was talking to her Heavenly Father hoping somehow he wouldn’t remember the frustration and blame she felt towards him. Suddenly she was filled with gratefulness for the life of her mother, for her father, for Ben and for life itself. Thoughts whirled in her mind, crowding upon each other. She knew what she wanted to say, but tears filled her eyes while feeling for the words of love and gratitude that flooded her heart. It was some unseen power tearing down all her inhibitions and barriers from the innermost part of her heart allowing the soothing warmth of pure joy to fill her whole soul in complete submission. All she could do was offer her heart in gratitude for all she had.
After she finished her humble prayer she slipped back under the quilts and remembered the burning candle in the window. She jumped up and carefully but quickly tiptoed on the cold wooden floor to the cupboard to get another candle to replace the one that had been burning. It was very low as she expected. She wanted a new one so it would burn longer into the night through the window showing the way in case her dad would come home in the dark. She removed the old candle and securely placed the new one in the candle holder while using the still burning candle to ignite the wick of the new one. She then placed the holder back in the window and blew out the spent candle. Hurriedly she scampered towards her bedroom and as she passed the stove she couldn’t help feeling the warmth and how she felt earlier in the doorway of Ben’s room. She was very grateful for that experience as she now felt again a reassuring confidence. It was the same feeling of satisfaction she used to feel when she was doing her mother’s bidding while she was bed ridden. She knew that whatever came her way that her mother would be there and everything would be okay. She carefully slipped past Ben’s door into her bedroom and quickly covered herself again with the quilts. She pulled them clear over her head and rolled up into a ball to keep the warmth in one area while waiting for the quilts to get warmed up. As she was lying there
contemplating the next day’s activities, she focused more closely to when the home teachers came by bringing the apples as a gift. The apples seemed much more than a casual gift she pondered. There was something special about them and how convenient it was to have them as a surprise for Ben, when there was nothing else to give.
She began to feel better about the prospects of her dad’s return and Christmas in general. She slowly drifted into a semi-sleep state reliving some of the memories she had had on previous Christmas mornings and trying to think of what else she could do to fill Ben’s expectations. She would drift away in and out of sleep and fighting to keep alert; however her drowsy eye lids couldn’t help but close as she faded off into a restful sleep.
The next thing she knew she had opened her eyes and it was just before 7 A.M. the time of morning when she normally arose. As she peered outside her bedroom window it was transitioning from night to dawn. The colors of the early morning sunrise were beginning to identify themselves and reflect off of the fresh snow crystals in shimmering colors of red, pink, and salmon with the shadows still holding the saturated blues of the lingering dawning sky. She hurriedly jumped out of bed in anticipation that her dad had arrived. She went to her dad’s room and peered through the opened door. The bed was still made, so she went to the door to check if he was in sight. She gave a worried sigh as she closed the door. Going straightway to the stove she wanted to check out the thermometer to see if it was warm enough to cook the Swedish pancakes for breakfast. It was only 120 degrees on the stove top thermometer and she needed it to be at least 350 degrees. She hurriedly grabbed all of the wood she had brought in the previous night and stoked the stove. With the door open she could feel the radiating warmth of the fire more strongly and she couldn’t help but marvel about the warm feeling she had the night before and how it made her feel inside. There is nothing like a warm stove when it is cold outside, she deliberately thought out-loud.
Knowing she would need more wood she walked over to the kitchen door and went out to the stack of wood on the porch. As she looked at the wood pile she was thankful that her dad was industrious and had cut enough wood to last the whole winter. While picking from the wood pile she noticed through the field a light at Nora’s house. “Nora!” She exclaimed out loud. How could she have ever forgotten about Nora? She chastised herself and stood motionless trying to figure out what she might give her for Christmas. A cold shiver ran up her spine and jogged her into remembering why she was standing outside on the porch in her nightgown without a coat. She quickly gathered up enough wood to make an arm full and hurried inside. She had been so engrossed with her own challenges that she had totally forgotten about Nora. Nora wouldn’t have anyone else to wish her Merry Christmas or have any presents. How could she have forgotten her beloved friend? She chided herself again.
The only thing she could offer Nora as a gift would be some apples. There were plenty left in the sack that she didn’t use in the basket under the tree. These would make a perfect gift for Nora, as she loved to make her famous apple pies. Quickly she grabbed the sack, polished the remaining apples and placed them in another basket wrapped with a red and white gingham napkin the same as she had done for Ben. She figured that she could make it over to Nora’s and give her the apples and return before Ben awoke.
She hurriedly changed out of her nightgown and went over to the bench where the boots and coats were kept. Grabbing her tall boots she pulled them on and reached up to the coat rack to fetch her red coat, and scarf. After she put them on she reached into the pocket and pulled out the knitted gloves that her mother made and she couldn’t help but feel her mother’s presence again as she gratefully remembered what she had felt the evening before looking into Ben’s room. She pulled the gloves over her hands and as she grabbed the basket. The words of her mother spoke quietly but clearly to her mind, “Love makes miracles happen.” Tears of gratitude formed in her eyes as she hastened over to the back door and walked out onto the veranda. After hesitating a second, she plunged into the knee-high fresh snow with both feet. She took extra long steps as she forged her way across the yard to the lane. The sky beyond the painted clouds was a vibrant cobalt blue with faint glint of the stars still twinkling. There was a quiet reverence that enveloped the countryside. An impression of one of her favorite songs Silent Night came softly to her mind. The peace and stillness seemed to pervade the cold air that had settled in the vale. As she hummed the song there was something very special and sacred about the fresh white snow with the bright moon still shimmering through the thin veiled clouds. She pulled the hood of her coat over her head to keep herself warm from the biting cold. When she reached the lane, it seemed extra beautiful as the pure white snow clung to the branches making a tunnel of white where only one set of tracks from a vehicle had driven through it making it easier to walk. It was a good feeling to do something nice for someone else and it made it even sweeter and more impressionable braving the pristine frozen elements. Nora always gave her a big warm hug whenever they met and she looked forward to that embrace this morning.
Chapter 7
Before she knew it she was up on the porch stamping her feet and brushing off the snow that was clinging to her dress. Nora must have heard the stamping of the boots and appeared immediately in the doorway.
“Oh my lands, child,” Nora exclaimed, “What are you doing on this cold morning trudging through the snow over here?”
Nora grabbed Rachel and gave her a big squeezing hug and pulled her into the warm kitchen.
Rachel extended her hands with the basket of apples to Nora and said with a warm sincerity “Merry Christmas.”
Nora looked surprised as she took the basket and peeled off the red gingham napkin covering the apples. As she lifted the napkin and saw the apples underneath. Iimmediate tears welled up as she began to sob uncontrollably saying “Oh my… oh my, well I never expected that it would come from you!”
Panic engulfed Rachel like the morning fog as instant fear came over her. She couldn’t help but imagine that she had done something wrong, but she didn’t know what it was so she exclaimed, “I am so sorry, I didn’t want to hurt you, I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and give you some apples.”
Nora set the basket on the kitchen counter and opened her arms. Rachel responded with her open arms and they pulled each other in tight with warm embrace both fighting back the stream of tears. While Nora was trying to get her composure, she squeezed Rachel for the longest time. Nora gazed downward as she collected her emotions and thoughts. Then she slowly looked up with tears welled up in her eyes and looked directly into the eyes of Rachel with a calm deliberate look of deep concern.
“Oh, my dearest angel” she said with a quivering voice, “You have no idea what a glorious message you have brought to me. You have not hurt me, but brought to me the most splendid gift I could ever hope for, filling me with exceeding joy.” Rachel was bewildered and did not yet comprehend the words Nora spoke. She couldn’t respond and stood there speechless with a stunned, blank look on her face. Nora could see the bewildered look on Rachel’s face, so she gently pulled Rachel by the hand over to the kitchen table and said, “Sit here and I will try to explain.” Nora went over to the butcher block and pulled out a paring knife. She then picked a nice red apple from the basket and came over to the table where Rachel was sitting. She moved the lantern on the table a little closer and paused as if to collect her thoughts. Taking the knife Nora placed the blade between the stem and the bottom and cut the apple in half the short way. She took the top half and held it toward the glow from the lantern. Rachel studied it for a moment.
“What do you see?” Nora asked.
“It looks like a star” Rachel answered with a question in her voice.
Chapter 8
Nora nodded her head and looked over at Rachel’s face. Nora’s expression was very serious and Rachel thought she looked as though she were going to cry again.
Nora’s voice betrayed her e
motion. “Ever since your mother’s passing, I have felt her spirit and that she wanted me to tell you something, but I wasn’t sure what or how I was to tell you. I was also hesitant not wanting to risk offending you and hardening you heart further, because I know you’ve been hurt and disappointed with God because he took your mom from you. Rachel, this feeling from your mother’s spirit just wouldn’t leave me alone and I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until you brought me these apples and the Spirit instantly made it clear what I am supposed to tell you. When your mother was alive she told you certain things dealing with God’s Plan of Happiness. Because she knew she was going to leave this world and that her leaving would weigh heavy on your heart, so she emphasized that you could be together again. Your mother wants me to tell you to open you heart and listen so you can understand the whole plan in order that you might comprehend how this life with its challenges is but a brief moment and that your pain and suffering can be healed with the hope of Christmas. Will you listen to me, Rachel?”
Rachel was now experiencing a flood of emotions. Time seemed suspended as she felt as though she was in a realistic dream. She felt humbled and defenseless as her heart was exposed. The soft tone of Nora’s voice sounded just like her mother whom she so desperately wanted to hear from. How could she not listen to what this sweet woman had to say-especially when it was from her mother?
“Okay,” she softly said.